
All Attractions

There are myriad attractions available along the Delaware Bayshore Byway. Use the filters to customize the view to help you find the most appealing attractions for your visit

Killens Pond State Park

1,443-acre park featuring camping, boating, hiking, fishing, paddleboats, a water park & more, centered on a 66-acre mill pond near Frederica, Delaware.

Milton Historical Society

The Milton Historical Society was founded in 1970 when the town recognized the importance of preserving the history of Milton and the Broadkill Hundred.

Milton Memorial Park

Beautiful space for walking and picnics. The park also contains a fun playground and a train ride – perfect to amuse and delight the kids.

Observation Tower on Big Stone Beach

Historic Delaware attraction with pristine trails and waterways, a Visitor’s Center with a designated kids’ corner, live animals, and a working gristmill.