
All Attractions

There are myriad attractions available along the Delaware Bayshore Byway. Use the filters to customize the view to help you find the most appealing attractions for your visit

Fort Delaware State Park

Situated on Pea Patch Island in the middle of the Delaware River, Fort Delaware was initially constructed in the mid-1800s to protect Wilmington and Philadelphia from enemy attack.

John Dickinson Plantation

Early childhood home of John Dickinson who is known as the “Penman of the Revolution.” Features tours and information on main house and slave quarters.

Killens Pond State Park

1,443-acre park featuring camping, boating, hiking, fishing, paddleboats, a water park & more, centered on a 66-acre mill pond near Frederica, Delaware.

St. Jones Reserve and Visitor Center

The St. Jones Reserve Visitor Center provides hiking trails, interactive activities and exhibits, restoration demonstration areas and a variety of programs.