
All Attractions

There are myriad attractions available along the Delaware Bayshore Byway. Use the filters to customize the view to help you find the most appealing attractions for your visit

Killens Pond State Park

1,443-acre park featuring camping, boating, hiking, fishing, paddleboats, a water park & more, centered on a 66-acre mill pond near Frederica, Delaware.

New Castle Battery Park

Dog-friendly urban park with riverfront views open to the public during daylight hours. Includes playground, tennis courts, and restrooms.

New Castle Court House Museum

Visit one of the oldest courthouses in the United States. Built in 1732, the New Castle Court House served as Delaware’s first court and state capitol.

Old Swedes Historic Site

While visiting this site you will travel through time as you learn about the early Swedish settlement that once thrived along the Christina.

Pickering Beach

Pickering Beach is a beautiful little piece of paradise for people that love a nature beach, where they can fish, boat and enjoy bird watching.