Upcoming Exhibit: "Freedom Seekers: the Odessa Story"
The Historic Odessa Foundation has many on-going and special exhibits throughout the year! Visit their website to view the current exhibits being shown, and the hours you can tour the five main sites at the center of town.
One of those site is the Corbit-Sharp House, c. 1772, a stop on the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway and designated as a part of the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom.
The Historic Odessa Foundation’s exhibit, “Freedom Seekers: The Odessa Story” highlights the role that abolitionists played in helping slaves escape, including Sam, a fugitive slave who approached the Corbit-Sharp House for help in the 1840s. He was taken into the house and hidden in a cubby hole in the attic by her mother, Mrs. Daniel Corbit (Mary Corbit Wilson Corbit). There, the runaway was given food and a warm quilt and hidden while a sheriff’s posse searched the house. Sam was not discovered and was able to make his way, at dusk, north to Philadelphia and later to freedom.
The Freedom Seekers exhibit is one not to miss, especially as we celebrate Juneteenth! Plan your visit. Learn more.